Please fill out our inquiry form with as many details as you'd like to share to help us steward your vision well.

You can expect a reply within 24 hours — keep in mind our time zones are ever shifting! We can't wait to connect.

we breathe, we pulse, we regenerate. our hearts beat, our minds create, our souls ingest. thirty-seven seconds well spent is a lifetime.

start the journey

—mr magorium

travel schedule

travel schedule

As an international photography studio, we move nomadically, often finding our home in new locations for months at a time. Here you'll find our current itinerary for 2025:

North Carolina
West Virginia

contact + collaboration

contact + collaboration

If you're interested in working with Amanda Lane Photography as a vendor, partner or team member, please email us! We are always eager to connect + collaborate with kindred souls.


You can reach us at

We prefer to communicate via

You can find us virtually at

We currently live in

and interested in

We are looking to invest

We discovered you

We envision...

We are working with


We chose 

located in

We are getting married at

and my fiance is

My name is

Your message is on it's way! We're excited to connect more with your heart.
